Black Tourmaline Gemstone Pendant Necklace

Black Tourmaline Gemstone Pendant Necklace
Tourmaline comes in many colors but it’s most well known is Black Tourmaline, sometimes known as the ultimate proctective stone it adds in relief from stress and anxiety. Because of its protective as well as grounding nature it creates a barrier between naegative energy and can also clean/purify too. It has been used to elevate spiritual growth and assist with leaning into deeper spiritual awareness.
There are many other healing attributes to explore discover more through connecting and researching all there is to know about this gemstone.
Round Natural Gemstone Pendant on adjustable vegan leather cord. Can be adjusted to an approximate length of 14-16 inches or shorter.
Hand selected by Zahirah Nur Truth of ZNT Arts
Some stones can have small inclusions, and or smooth or rough edges.
Stone its self is anywhere from 1.5 to 2 inches in height and width.