Created Spring and Summer 2018
Mama made me and cartoons raised me. I have always had a great affinity for graphic illustration and cartoons. Here is my take on few classics and current cartoon illustrations. More coming soon…
"Friends how many of us have them?"
Who didn’t love Skeeter, Patty Mayo and Doug Funny? Your favorite after school show that made you wish you had “friends” like this! Acrylic on Wood.
Susie played no game and took names while doing. She was the epitome of black girl magic in a sea of cartoons that did not represent black girls. Acrylic on wood.
"Chicken Mane"
The epic beef an rivalry. Acrylic on wood panel.
"A Jewel"
AKA Garnet from Steven’s Universe resonates with me because she reminds of a black woman an she is also in as same sex union. The loving duo “Ruby and Sapphire” Awesomeness to this show for bring together so many outspoken ideas. Acrylic on canvas.